I use last version of your masterserver - it works. But i want to work like gametracker.rs or setti. I use with BOOSTBYMIRROR (first version), not ACROBAT or something else.. I create my own script (for adding the servers) with my own style, but masterserver not work like i want. I want to show boosted server first and with some delay - all other (without boost). I see column type in sql tables which can hold 1 or 2 value - and with 1 or 2 - not happening anything. It works like without boost feature (like FILE or MYSQL) I dont know - maybe i do something wrong and i posted here for help. Sorry for my english - i dont speak russian and my english is not verry well too. My webscript is a tiny and works verry well. I added paypal and sms boost options. I need to work with that way i wrote - its shows boosted servers first and delayed show all other servers which not have boost. Thanks!
Use mode = cmq(Custom mysql query) for your own/moddificed script,and in section [CMQ] in ms.cfg write your own sql query.
Ok i tried with 2 servers and SELECT * FROM servers ORDER by type ASC, but not works it ordered by latency everytime. And it shows 4 servers in server terminal (and i have only 2 and it shows only 2), maybe its a bug.
2 servers may be is my ) some functions activated add my servers to end of servers list sort by letancy you need enable in ms.cfg in section [options] noping =1 and try fixsortnoping = 1 or 2,3,4 max 10