Screen kill himself.

Тема в разделе "Мастерсервер(Masterserver)", создана пользователем batonik, 13 янв 2015.

  1. batonik

    batonik Новичок

    Hi, I have problem with my masterserver. I'm using ms049a2_linux32 version and my problem is when I run a script it works about 1-2days and something kill my screen and logs don't save to database(mslog). I have autorun my script (on vps) when the vps is restarting and it's working, but I think that it's not problem of restart vps. Screen kill himself. How do I know what is the fault of the killing of screen?

  2. jesuspunk

    jesuspunk Администратор Команда форума

    Hi, try to run screen with option -L to enable log, and check last lines of log file(he must be in folder of there running programm of screen) than turnoff screen
  3. batonik

    batonik Новичок

    OK i have a logs:
    I see a problem with connection to database, but this errors are randomly. I have website on this same hosting and I don't see a break in work on my www.

    What can i do?
  4. jesuspunk

    jesuspunk Администратор Команда форума

    in older versions, i use python-mysql module to connect to mysql server. in last 0.6+ versions of ms i use pysql module it's more stable.

    at this time you can only write log to file