[Metamod] VoiceTranscoder AMXX API Provider 1.0

This metamod plugin allows use VoiceTranscoder API in amxx plugins.

Current functions:

  • VTC_IsClientSpeaking — checks whether the player is talking at this moment
  • VTC_MuteClient — mutes this player (independent from gamedll voice masks)
  • VTC_UnmuteClient — opposed to VTC_MuteClient

Current callbacks:

  • VTC_OnClientStartSpeak — called when player started talking
  • VTC_OnClientEndSpeak — called when player ended talking

Go to your amxmodx directory (for example addons/amxmodx/) and copy there folder «modules» from the archive.

  VoiceTranscoderApiProvider_1.0.zip (87,3 KiB, 1 577 hits)

  VoiceTranscoderApiProvider_1.0_SourceCode.zip (311,3 KiB, 2 711 hits)

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